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Spanish Lessons, Salsa Parties and Beauty Centers – The Life of Our Hungarian Hairdresser Interns in Tenerife



Hairdressing and beauty care

Last week I presented you the newcomers who have the opportunity to intern on the Canary Islands. Now let’s see how their first week is going. Our Hungarian interns are coming from VIK secondary school, where they are enrolled in hairdressing and beauty care courses/studies.

The nine passionate apprentices had no Spanish knowledge before, so they have started their stay with a one week intensive language course – five hours per day expanding their vocabulary and getting to know the basic grammar rules. In the following weeks they will have the opportunity to practice their new skill as they will work mostly with Spanish hairdressers and clients.

Interns visited their work places

Future workplaces

On Thursday we visited their future workplaces and got to know their mentors. Our school has partnerships with seven beauty salons in Puerto de la Cruz that have proven to be really cooperative and open-minded during the last few years. The students were really excited about meeting their first “bosses” and finding out more details concerning their apprenticeships. They were informed about the tasks that they will have, their schedules and their work uniforms as well.

I asked them about their first impressions regarding the island and the local people:

In the beginning it seemed almost impossible to understand the locals and to express my opinions, but after five days I already feel the difference. I would like to continue the courses.


I am looking forward to starting the internship. Of course I am a little bit afraid, it will be a challenge to only work with Spanish people, but I hope that spending 40 hours per week in this environment will help me to develop my language skills and professional knowledge at the same time.


Next Monday they will start working, but before that a nice weekend is outlined for them, with a hiking trip to volcano Teide on Saturday and a salsa party with local foods on Sunday. Enjoy, guys!


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